Tuesday, March 8, 2022

A Very Special Announcement

I want to take a quick moment to remind you that today is March 8th and one of the most momentous occasions of the year – International Romans Day!

Now, I know what you’re thinking. Why should I give a rat’s ass about a bunch of people who wore leaves on their heads and died hundreds of years ago? I’ll tell you why. Just about every major facet of our world was originally created by…wait for it…the Romans!

Don’t believe me? Okay…

Who invented the calendar? The Romans.

Bridges and highways? The Romans.

Mayonnaise? Hangnails? The cast of Hardcastle and McCormick?

Sorry, it wasn’t Stephen J. Cannell. Or even Aaron Spelling.

I’ll give you a hint...

It was the Romans!

So the next time you’re kicking back, enjoying a particularly yummy tuna fish sandwich, don’t say to yourself, “Man, this is a particularly yummy tuna fish sandwich.” 

Cry “Hail, Caesar!”