Friday, September 16, 2022

Somebody Stop The Nazis

They were the most despicable regime in the history of the world. They killed millions of innocent people. They were…of course…the Nazis. But how did they know where to stop their reign of terror? 
Did they ever sit around a table one day and go…? 
hitler: Now…we must lay out our plans for world domination! And that includes death to the Jewish race! The Blacks and the Catholics also have no place in the Fatherland! We- Yes, Heinrich?
heinrich: What about spiders?
hitler: Spiders? 
heinrich: I don’t like spiders, mein Herr…
hitler: But surely a spider is no harm to the Fatherland.
heinrich: They can crawl up your leg. You wouldn’t want a Jew crawling up your leg.
hitler: Yes, good point! Okay…that’s Jews, Blacks, Catholics, spiders…
officer: Puppies?
hitler: You mean…Jewish puppies..?
officer: No, mein Herr…death to all puppies! I was bitten as a child…
hitler: Puppies…
officer: Yes.
hitler: With their little fluffy tails…
officer: And their little puppy dog eyes. Yes, mein Herr.
hitler: Okay…we have Jews, Blacks, Catholics, spiders, puppies…
emil: How about Inga?
hitler: What?? Your wife, Emil?
emil: Yes!
hitler: Is she…Jewish..?
emil: No, mein Herr. But when I come home late from the beer gardens, she busts my balls like you wouldn’t believe!
hitler: Okay… We have Jews, Blacks, spiders, puppies…and Inga. Is there anything else I’ve missed..?
second officer: Beef burritos? The master race has no place for gas, mein Herr.
emil: Death to beef burritos! Death to-
hitler: Quiet, Emil! OKAY That’s death to Jews, Blacks, Catholics…spiders, puppies…and beef burritos.
emil: And Inga!
hitler: And…INGA. Sieg Heil!