Monday, July 4, 2022

The Group of Seven – Episode One

scene: The Prime Minister’s office. The Prime Minister is busy sharpening pencils. He's examining one after the other when the phone rings. He looks over and grabs it across his expansive desk.
pm: (on phone) Hello? Yes, Major… Look, if it’s about that raise again, you’ll just– What’s that? He what??  Yes, I know you were planning to… Well, how many people have been told? I see… This is unacceptable, Majorcompletely unacceptable. I want a full report from operations as soon as possible! (Hangs up the receiver, and stares into space.) My God... This is a disaster. What’ll I do… What’ll I do? (The door opens suddenly and dark figures enter the room. A giant caribou man steps forward.) 
captain: Maybe we could help, Mr. Prime Minister… 
pm: (shock) What the– Who are you? 
captain: We are… 
all heroes: (fanfare) The Group of Seven! 
captain: I’m Captain Caribou, Pride of the Yukon. And these are my fearless companions…
snowman: (A man of snow and ice formally salutes.) Snowmanat your service.
hat trick: (A magician with a French accent bows lowly.) And Hat Trick. Master of the Mystic Topper! (Takes off his hat.)Voilà! (He makes a white rabbit appear and gives it to the Prime Minister.)  Here… Have a bunny. 
pm: (pause) That’s three… 
captain: That’s a cottontail, sir. 
pm: No, no. You said seven. There are only three of you. 
snowman: Well…uh. The Husky ran away… 
hat trick: And we ate The Fiddleheads by mistake. It’s a long story, really. 
captain: Oh, for God’s sake... Where’s Maple Boy? 
hat trick: Getting change for the meter, Cap. We’re all out of quarters. 
pm: Gentlemenplease! This is a dire emergency. I just got word Justin Bieber’s disappeared! 
snowman: (low) That’s a good thing, isn’t it? 
hat trick: Shh! 
captain: Mother in heaven! What happened, sir? 
pm: Some of the boys out in Red Deer hired this Bieber fellow for a private concert. Wanted to keep it off the record, you see. 
captain: Understandable. 
pm: Well, the Mounties turned their backs for one minuteone minuteand Justin Bieber was gone. Vanished without a trace... Now his handlers are up in arms! The Opposition’s calling for my head! Gentlemen, a young man is in dangerour country’s very reputation is at stake! 
captain: Never fear, Mr. Prime Minister. My teammates and I will get right on it! We must make the world safe again for all self-respecting Canuck popstars…  
snowman: And tabloid talk shows everywhere. 
pm: Then good hunting, men. Keep me posted! And, uh…Mr. Hat Trick? 
hat trick: Yes, sir?
pm: Clean up after this rabbit, will you?  
(Dramatic music. Fade out.)