Friday, July 8, 2022

The Group of Seven – Finale

scene: A steam-filled factory. The sound of machinery can be heard in the background. The steam clears a little to reveal Captain Caribou hanging from the ceiling. He’s wrapped head to toe in huge metal chains. 
captain: (weak) Oh…my head... Feels like it’s been run over by a Mack truck. Twice.
snowman: You can say that again… 
captain: What the–? (He turns his head. Snowman and Hat Trick are also tied up with him.) Snowman! Hat Trick! How’d you fellows get here? 
snowman: Try asking your Ma 
hat trick: Damn that cocoa was good! 
blue nose: (Distant as if calling down to them) Perhaps you should’ve gone easy on the sugar cookies, my friend!
snowman: Look! Up there! 
captain: It’s Blue Nose! 
blue nose: (on a catwalk high above) Yes, Cappytain…so, we meet again! I see you’ve come to stick your supernoses where they don’t belong. So nice of you to—hang around. 
captain: You won’t get away with this, you madman! Once we break out of these chains, we’ll– 
blue nose: You’ll stay right where you are, my friends! I have a hostage… 
hat trick: (pause) What’d he say?
snowman: Something about sausage…
captain: We don’t want any sausage!
blue nose: No, no! I said, I have…oh, never mind. I kill you later. Look who I have here… (He opens a large metal box at his side to reveal an aged guitarist.)
captain: Dear God, man. He’s got Gordon Lightfoot!
gordon lightfoot: (sings “Sundown”) I can see her lying back in her satin–
blue nose: Now, now! That’s enough from you. Back in the box… (He closes the lid on him.)
snowman: The fiend!
blue nose: Yes! No more Gord for you, little Snowycone!
snowman: That's Snowy– That’s Snowman!
blue nose: Potato, po-tato. Tomato, to-mato.
captain: What’ve you done with the others?
blue nose: Ah, yes. The Anne Murrays and the Geddy Lees. I have them neatly boxed away. You see, I’m going to turn all of them into tasty fudge pop-sicles! And that includes you, my friends…
hat trick: Uh… Don’t look now, Cap. (They all look down. They’re hanging above a giant vat of boiling fudge.)
captain: Oh boy…
snowman: That’s one helluva fondue set…
blue nose: Yes! I tried out for Canada’s Got Talentbut they wouldn’t let me on! Them and that Simon Cowell sissypants! Well, now I’ll make them pay. I’ll make all of Canada pay! I’ll replace all the music in the world with myAustrian zither music! (He pulls out a zither and begins playing.) And now for my salute to Wiener schnitzel…
hat trick: I can’t take this much longer, Cap... I’m actually starting to like his playing!
captain: (low) We’ve got one chance. Snowman, can you get a hand loose?
snowman: I think so.
captain: See if you can hit that switch up there—get us out of this mess.
snowman: Gotcha. Snowball…12 o’clock high! (He fires a snowball and hits the switch. Their chain begins lowering.) Uh oh.
captain: That would be down
blue nose: Thank you for making my job so much easier, Snowyflake! Now, if you’ll excuse me, super-dupermen, I must– (His music stops suddenly and Blue Nose screams. He goes flying past the heroes and falls into the giant vat of fudge.)
hat trick: What the hell was that?
snowman: Look! Over there!
captain: For God’s sake—it’s Maple Boy! (A small caped figure appears on the catwalk above.)
maple boy: (distant) You were expecting, maybe, Burton Cummings? (He hits the switch and the chain reels them all in. They start breaking out of their bonds.) Yep. The old maple syrup gun still works like a charm.
captain: Nice work, Maple Boy! But how’d you find us?
maple boy: (gestures) Easy. It was right here in the script!
snowman: Quick! Somebody get Mr. Lightfoot out of that box… (They rip open the metal case.) You all right, sir?
gordon lightfoot: Damn that cocoa was good…
captain: Well, fellows, looks like Canada’s music scene is finally safe. And Blue Nose’s going to go great with some Chapman’s and a few chopped walnuts. Now, let’s get Bieber and company out of those boxes before (His cellphone rings. He takes it out.) Hello..? Ma! Where are you? Myrtle Beach! You never told me you were Yeah…I’m eating well. Yeah, Ma, I’m No… No... No, I didn’t know about Aunt Vera’s hysterectomy…
hat trick: Uh, Cap?
captain: Yeah?
hat trick: (with metal box) Can we keep Justin Bieber boxed up a while longer? I want to enjoy my life again.
captain: (pause) Hat Trick… How good are you at making mothers disappear?
(Dramatic music. Fade out.)