Thursday, July 7, 2022

The Group of Seven – Episode Four

scene: Captain Caribou is looking at a TV set in the living room of his mother’s home. Blue Nose is sitting in a rocking chair across from him. He’s a supervillain with a giant nose. He’s wearing an immense shawl over his head.  
captain: See, Ma? All you needed was a new battery for the remote. 
blue nose: (Very nasally, trying to sound like an old Jewish mother) Yes, I see. Thanks for fixing my set, son.
captain: You know Ma…you’re sounding awfully congested.
blue nose: It’s hay fever season. What can you do? 
captain: Yeah, guess you’re right.
blue nose: So. What’ve you been up to? You never call. You never write…
captain: Sorry Ma. Been busy saving the world and all.
blue nose: Ah, that’s nice. It could use a little saving, couldn’t it? Salmon..?
captain: Yes, he’s helping too.
blue nose: No, no. Not “Snowman”—salmon. Like the fish. You haven’t even touched my sandwiches!
captain: Ma, c’mon. I’m a caribou… Caribous don’t eat salmon.
blue nose: Oh. Uh. I mean—yes, of course you are! Here... Have some cocoa, son.
captain: Ma, please. It’s eighty degrees out there!
blue nose: So, what? Now I don’t know what’s good enough for you? And all the times I’ve slaved over a hot stove for–
captain: All right, all right… (Blue Nose pours him a cup and he begins drinking.) Mmm…pretty strong, Ma. What’s in this?
blue nose: Oh, you know. Cocoa, little milk. Just like I made when you were a little reindeer.
captain: (shaky) Suddenly…I feel so strange…I…
blue nose: You must be tired after all the super-dupering. Have a little lie dee down now…Captain. (Captain Caribou drops his cup and it shatters. He collapses over the coffee table.)
(Dramatic music. Fade out.)